Prayer Updates

In Uncategorized on August 2, 2011 at 6:22 pm

In Uncategorized on July 3, 2011 at 1:02 pm

If you can believe it, Henry is 5 months old. Of course, developmentally (i.e. “corrected age”) he is a little over 2 months. But we don’t like to skimp – he has very much lived all 5 months. We are proud of this kid.

Jude next to him, is turning 2 in August. He is a good brother – day by day he gets more acclimated to the fact that he is not the center of orbit. He loves “baby” (thankfully baby and Henry rhyme… so the transition should be a smooth one). We are proud of him too.

Henry is growing well. He continues to get check check-ups and so far all have been positive. He smiles a ton. He has a very gentle and happy spirit. It is almost as if he is resting for the first time in his short little life.

Your continued prayer is very much appreciated and needed. It has been a challenging season, but through it, Christ has been our comfort, our treasure, our hope, our stay. Henry’s health is not our savior. Jesus is. And so we are receiving God’s mercy to Henry as it is  —  a gift. We are thankful.

We will keep you posted,

Joe & Josie


In Uncategorized on June 11, 2011 at 7:13 pm

Here is a capture of Henry’s joy – rarely are we able to capture him mid-guffaw. We actually get a ton of smiles from him (and they are not “gas smiles”).

Henry is now over 10 pounds, and the clinicians and doctors are pleased with his development. He is off of oxygen. He is not taking any medicine. He is sleeping really well. We are thankful.

We are still very cautious, per doctors orders, to take him to public places. He can’t really be around people. Though he looks vigorous on the outside – he is still quite fragile inside. A big cold or RSV would be terrible. Please pray against this.

Thank you for your prayers and support. We will continue to update this blog. If there is a span of silence, don’t think the worst… it means that we are caught up in “normal” new-baby craziness. Again – grateful for your prayers.


Joe & Josie